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The Bazus Building - Façade Restoration

Project Description:


The Bazus Building is considered the oldest existing structure in the Downtown New Iberia Commercial Historic District known from its appearance in the Harper’s Weekly Journal on August 11, 1866. Vacant and blighted for years, the owners of the building hired Paul J. Allain, Allain A.P.A.C. to restore the building’s exterior facades back to the historic early 1900s period of significance while also utilizing the state & federal rehabilitation tax credit programs & following all of the S.O.I. Guidelines for Historic Rehabilitation. In addition, our team successfully completed and received the Louisiana Main Street Restoration Grant helping to fund the project. The front façade 2 story balcony was reconstructed, new doors & windows installed, masonry & stucco walls were stabilized & recoated along with various other site and façade work to successfully reinstate the look of the early 1900s historic façade. 

New Iberia, La

3,800 sq. ft.

year of completion

Historic Preservation | Architecture

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